Saturday, July 18, 2009

Second Thoughts ... All Around!

Well, not in the most important sense in reference to a wedding. I'm still marrying my dear FI, but...

After viewing all these wedding blogs I feel like such a sucker. I orginally wanted a small wedding (read: imitiate family only). But since we both have pretty big families the small wedding seemed much less feasible when we started creating the list. I also wanted a somewhat summer/spring outdoor wedding. But that would have meant getting married NOW!... I got engaged in December.

As of this moment I would like to have a Small Summer Garden Sunday Brunch Wedding with three bridesmaids. I would like a tea length wedding dress. My color pallete would be a light orange and grey.

Instead, I am have a large (200+) wedding at a ballroom complete with chandeliers, 10 bridesmaids, New Year's Day, black and white wedding. I have let other people's idea of what my wedding should be like take over. And it's too late to change it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Story Behind The Name

In case you were wondering why I titled this blog The Long Road to Heaven...

I was super bored one day, which is pretty normal, so I decided to tease FI. Whatever can drive a person crazy I did. Finally after about 30 minutes or so he let out this very loud sigh, shook his head, and said "Its gonna be a long road to heaven".

He didn't crack a smile, but I laughed so hard.

I also took it as a good sign. He didn't say he didn't know how much of it he could take, or he couldn't take anymore, move into another room, or even do/say something to get me back... even though he may not have even meant to, he just let me know that he wasn't going anywhere.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Check 1 2, Check 3

The combination of yesterday's post and a trip to's message boards really put things into perspective for me. There's actually brides in the world that are on top of this whole planning process. I am six months out and have VERY little done, meanwhile some brides are 1 year + even 2 years or so out and have their venues, photographers, florist, bakers, etc.

It really made me wonder is it just me?

No...seriously. I know I procrastinate in a lot of areas but this is ridiculous. It even makes me wonder how honest my fellow knotties are being. Not to say this are lying, but are all these contracts in place, deposits paid, or is it more of wishful thinking. As the saying goes, "every little girl dreams of what her wedding day will be like." Uhh... not me. If that IS true then I'm a lifetime behind.

Anyway, I finally made a few calls and today I booked... contract in place/deposit paid... a secondline band and a photographer.

So for the time being the hard part is done.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6 Months To Go!

Today, I received an email from with a friendly reminder that I have six months left until my wedding day. While it was nice to get a update it sent me into total panic mode... well not total because its not really like me to panic, but it did light a little fire under me. So, I decided to create a blog to document my planning process. I'm sure it will serve as more of a reminder to me of all the things I need to get done.

So far I have the ever so coveted check next to ...

Yes, thats all folks!